Module 4 - Verbal nouns and adjectives



The second and third weeks of unit 2 will focus on verbal nouns and adjectives as well as the present and future indicative.



Week 8

Monday, October 19

  • Present indicative
  • Morphology and Vocabulary (to be completed before class): Memorize the nouns in the vocabulary list in Module 4 and study the formation of present active and passive indicative.
  • Reading (to be completed before class): Read the section on the present indicative.
  • Practice (to be completed before class): Complete the exercises on the formation and translation of the present indicative.
  • Further practice (optional): Have a look at Prof. Smith’s exercises on the gerundive if you feel like you need practice.

Wednesday, October 21 (slides)

  • Future indicative
  • Morphology and Vocabulary (to be completed before class): Memorize the verbs(up to legō) in the vocabulary list in Module 4 and study the formation of future active and passive indicative.
  • Reading (to be completed before class): Read the section on the future indicative.
  • Practice (to be completed before class): Complete the exercises on the formation of the present and future indicative.

Friday, October 23

  • Verbal form review
  • Reading practice
  • Assessment (to be completed before class): Vocabulary Quiz #3 due.
  • Morphology and Vocabulary (to be completed before class): Memorize the rest of the vocabulary in Module 4 in preparation for vocabulary quiz #3. In addition, review and memorize the formation of the present and future indicative.
  • Practice (to be completed before class): Complete a synopsis of the verbs capio and moneo in the 3rd person plural.
  • Further practice (optional): Have a look at Prof. Smith’s exercises on verbal transformations including active to passive and imperfect to perfect.

Week 9

Monday, October 26

Wednesday, October 28

  • Questions
  • Interrogative adverbs
  • Assessment (to be completed before class): Composition #3 due.
  • Morphology and Vocabulary (to be completed before class): Memorize the adverbs and prepositions in Module 5.
  • Reading (to be completed before class): Read the sections on questions in the textbook.