Grammar Handouts #10 - Conditions

To be completed by September 29, 9 AM


Read through the following short selections on conditional clauses in Latin:


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify the type of condition within them.

  1. Hann. 2.6: Quārē, sī quid amīcē dē Rōmānīs cōgitābis, nōn imprūdenter fēceris, sī mē cēlāris; cum quidem bellum parābis, tē ipsum frūstrāberis, sī nōn mē in eō prīncipem posueris.” Vocabulary and commentary

  2. Hann. 8.3: Antiochus autem, sī tam in agendō bellō cōnsiliīs ēius pārēre voluisset, quam in suscipiendō īnstituerat, propius Tiberī quam Thermopylīs dē summā imperiī dīmicāsset. Vocabulary and commentary

  3. Hann. 9.1: Antiochō fugātō, verēns nē dēderētur, quod sine dubiō accidisset, sī suī fēcisset potestātem, Crētam ad Gortȳniōs vēnit, ut ibi, quō sē cōnferret, cōnsīderāret. Vocabulary and commentary

  4. Hann. 11.3: Cuius etsī causam mīrābātur neque reperiēbat, tamen proelium statim committere nōn dubitāvit. Vocabulary and commentary