Unit 1 - Vocabulary
- appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus: to address, name
- audio, audire, audivi, auditus: to hear
- contendo, contendĕre, contendi, contentus: to extend, to exert, to strive with
- converto, convertĕre, converti, conversus: to turn, alter
- dico, dicĕre, dixi, dictus: to say
- duco, ducĕre, duxi, ductus: to lead
- adduco, adducĕre, adduxi, adductus: to lead or conduct
- habeo, habēre, habui, habitus: to have
- interficio, interficĕre, interfeci, interfectus: to destroy, kill
- mitto, mittĕre, misi, missus: to send
- amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus: to send away
- emitto, emittere, emisi, emissus: to send out, send forth
- neco, necare, necavi, necatus: to slay
- occido, occidĕre, occidi, occisus: to strike down, slay
- peto, petĕre, petivi or petii, petitus: to attack, demand, seek
- sum, esse, fui, futurus: to be
- venio, venire, veni ventus: to come
- arma, armorum n (pl. only): arms, weapons
- avis, avis f: bird
- caput, capitis n: head
- conjugium, conjugii n: marriage
- deus, dei m: god
- filia, filiae f: daughter
- filius, filii m: son
- fulmen, fulminis n: lightning
- hospes, hospitis m: host, guest
- nomen, nominis n: name
- pater, patris m: father
- sagitta, sagittae f: arrow
- taurus, tauri m: bull
- terra, terrae f: land, earth
- uxor, uxoris f: wife
- hic, haec, hoc (demonstrative pronoun): this one
- ille, illa, illud (demonstrative pronoun): that one
- ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensifying pronoun): he himself, she herself
- idem, eadem, idem (demonstrative pronoun): the same person, the same thing
- is, ea, id (demonstrative pronoun): he, she, it
- sui, sibi, se, se (reflexive pronoun): himself, herself
- acer, acris, acre: harsh, sharp
- ferox, ferocis: ferocious
- inferus, infera, inferum: lower
- magnus, magna, magnum: great, large
- mortalis, mortale: mortal, subject to death
- omnis, omne: each (sg.), all (pl.)
- sacer, sacra, sacrum: holy, sacred
- suus, sua, suum: his own, her own
- tantus, tanta, tantum: so great
- unus, una, unum (-ius adjective): a single
Adverbs and Conjunctions
- autem: however, nonetheless
- et: and
- ibi: there
- inde: from there
- ita: so
- itaque: and so, accordingly
- item: likewise, also
- non: not
- postea: later
- sed: but
- tunc: then
- a/ab + abl: by, away from
- cum + abl: with
- inter + acc: between, among
- pro + abl: in front of, on behalf of
- propter + acc: on account of