Grammar Handouts #9 - Causal and Concessive Clauses

To be completed by September 28, 8 AM


Read through the following short selections on causal and concessive clauses in Latin:


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify any concessive or causal clauses in them. If the clause features a subjunctive verb, explain why it is in the subjunctive mood.

  1. Prol. 4: Neque enim Cīmōnī fuit turpe, Athēniēnsium summō virō, sorōrem germānam habēre in mātrimōniō, quippe cum cīvēs ēius eōdem ūterentur īnstitūtō. Commentary and Vocabulary

  2. Hann. 6.2: Cum hōc, exhaustīs iam patriae facultātibus, cupīvit impraesentiārum bellum compōnere, quō valentior posteā congrederētur. Commentary and Vocabulary

  3. Hann. 8.4: Praefuit paucīs nāvibus, quās ex Syriā iūssus erat in Āsiam dūcere, iīsque adversus Rhodiōrum classem in Pamphȳliō marī cōnflīxit. Quō cum multitūdine adversāriōrum suī superārentur, ipse, quō cornū rem gessit, fuit superior. Commentary and Vocabulary