Grammar Handouts #6 - Gerunds and Gerundives

To be completed by September 21, 8 AM


Read through this short introduction to the different usages of gerunds and gerundives in Latin.

Take note of any questions you have and bring them to class.


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify gerund(s) and gerundive(s) in each sentence.

  1. Hann. 7.1: Cum in apparandō ācerrimē esset occupātus, Karthāginiēnsēs bellum cum Rōmānīs composuērunt. Ille nihilō sētius exercituī posteā praefuit rēsque in Āfricā gessit ūsque ad P. Sulpicium C. Aurēlium cōnsulēs. Vocabulary and Commentary

  2. Hann. 7.6: Hōs Hannibal ratus suī exposcendī grātiā missōs, priusquam iīs senātus darētur, nāvem ascendit clam atque in Syriam ad Antiochum perfūgit. Vocabulary and Commentary

  3. Hann. 8.3: Antiochus autem, sī tam in agendō bellō cōnsiliīs ēius pārēre voluisset, quam in suscipiendō īnstituerat, propius Tiberī quam Thermopylīs dē summā imperiī dīmicāsset. Vocabulary and Commentary

  4. Hann. 10.3: Ad hunc interficiendum tālem iniit ratiōnem. Vocabulary and Commentary

  5. Hann. 10.4: Superābātur nāvium multitūdine; dolō erat pugnandum, cum pār nōn esset armīs. Imperāvit quam plūrimās venēnātās serpentēs vīvās colligī eāsque in vāsa fīctilia conicī. Vocabulary and Commentary