Grammar Handouts #6 - Indirect Discourse

To be completed by September 20, 9 AM


Read through these short selections on the different aspects of indirect discourse:

Take note of any questions you have and bring them to class.


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify the type of indirect discourse in each sentence.

  1. Prol. 1: Nōn dubitō fore plērōsque, Attice, quī hoc genus scrīptūrae leve et nōn satis dīgnum summōrum virōrum persōnīs iūdicent, cum relātum legent, quis mūsicam docuerit Epamīnōndam, aut in ēius virtūtibus commemorārī saltāsse eum commodē scienterque tībiīs cantāsse. Vocabulary and Commentary

  2. Prol. 3: Hī sī didicerint nōn eadem omnibus esse honesta atque turpia, sed omnia maiōrum īnstitūtīs iūdicārī, nōn admīrābuntur nōs in Grāiōrum virtūtibus expōnendīs mōrēs eōrum secūtōs. Vocabulary and Commentary

  3. Hann. 1.1: Sī vērum est, quod nēmō dubitat, ut populus Rōmānus omnēs gentēs virtūte superārit, nōn est īnfitiandum Hannibalem tantō praestitisse cēterōs imperātōrēs prūdentiā, quantō populus Rōmānus antecēdat fortitūdine cūnctās nātiōnēs. Vocabulary and Commentary

  4. Hann. 2.4: Quae dīvīna rēs dum cōnficiēbātur, quaesīvit ā mē, vellemne sēcum in castra proficīscī. Id cum libenter accēpissem atque ab eō petere coepissem, nē dubitāret dūcere, tum ille ‘Faciam’, inquit ‘sī mihi fidem, quam postulō, dederis.’ Vocabulary and Commentary

  5. Hann. 7.3: Hīs ex senātūs cōnsultō respōnsum est: mūnus eōrum grātum acceptumque esse; obsidēs, quō locō rogārent, futūrōs; captīvōs nōn remissūrōs, quod Hannibalem, cuius operā susceptum bellum foret, inimīcissimum nōminī Rōmānō, etiam nunc cum imperiō apud exercitum habērent itemque frātrem ēius Māgōnem. Vocabulary and Commentary