Unit 1 - LATN 102 - S23

Unit 1 - Review and Regroup


Narrative Overview

In Unit 1, we will spend some time reviewing key concepts from last semester. We will begin by going over the declension of nouns and adjectives from the first three declensions as well as the pronouns that we learned last semester. We will then move on to a full scale review of the Latin verbal forms that we met last semester. As we review these forms, we will also practice and review different grammatical structures that we saw last semester.

In addition to a review of old forms, we will meet some new ones to fill out our knowledge of Latin morphology. In terms of substantive forms, we will learn the fourth and fifth declension, two relatively obscure declensions that have some important members. We will also learn some verbal forms as well, including the first and second-person and the pluperfect indicative.


By the end of Unit 1, you will be able to:

  • Recognize and produce all substantive inflection patterns and analyze their grammatical function in sentences
  • Recognize and produce (almost) all verbal inflection patterns and analyze their grammatical function in sentences
  • Feel confident about the different grammatical structures that we met last semester

Table of contents