Grammar Handouts #2 - Clause Structures

To be completed by September 11, 8 AM


Read through the short section on different sentence structures in Latin. One small caveat I would add here is that we might more accurately call these clause structures since every dependent and independent clause in Latin must contain a subject and verb.


Identity the different clause structures that in these sentences from the first chapter of the Life of Hannibal. Consult the vocabulary and commentary, if you are unsure about any of the nature of any verbs.

  1. Hannibal, Hamilcaris fīlius, Karthāginiēnsis.

  2. Sī vērum est, quod nēmō dubitat, ut populus Rōmānus omnēs gentēs virtūte superārit….

  3. Nam quotiēnscumque cum eō congressus est in Italiā, semper discessit superior.

  4. Sed multōrum obtrectātiō dēvīcit ūnīus virtūtem.

  5. Hic autem, velut hērēditāte relictum, odium paternum ergā Rōmānōs sīc cōnservāvit, ut prius animam quam id dēposuerit, quī quidem, cum patriā pulsus esset et aliēnārum opum indigēret, numquam dēstiterit animō bellāre cum Rōmānīs.