Grammar Handouts #11 - Ut/ne clauses

To be completed by October 1, 9 AM


Read through the following short selections on ut/ne clauses in Latin:


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify the type of ut/ne clauses in each of them.

  1. Hann. 9.1: Antiochō fugātō, verēns nē dēderētur, quod sine dubiō accidisset, sī suī fēcisset potestātem, Crētam ad Gortȳniōs vēnit, ut ibi, quō sē cōnferret, cōnsīderāret.

  2. Hann. 9.4: Gortȳniī templum magnā cūrā custōdiunt, nōn tam ā cēterīs quam ab Hannibale, nē ille, īnscientibus iīs, tolleret sēcumque dūceret.

  3. Hann. 12.3: Hannibal enim ūnō locō sē tenēbat, in castellō, quod eī ā rēge datum erat mūnerī, idque sīc aedificārat, ut in omnibus partibus aedificiī exitūs habēret, scīlicet verēns, nē ūsū venīret, quod accidit.

  4. Hann. 12.4: Quī imperāvit eī, ut omnēs forēs aedificiī circumīret ac properē sibi nūntiāret, num eōdem modō undique obsidērētur.