Grammar Handouts #5 - Participles

To be completed by September 18, 8 AM


Read through these short selections on the different types and usages of participles in Latin:

Take note of any questions you have and bring them to class.


Translate these sentences in advance of class and identify the tense and type of the participle(s) in each sentence.

  1. Hann. 2.3: Eīque cum multa dē fidē suā et odiō in Rōmānōs commemorāsset, hoc adiūnxit: “Pater meus” inquit “Hamilcar puerulō mē, utpote nōn amplius novem annōs nātō, in Hispāniam imperātor proficīscēns, Karthāgine Iovī optimō maximō hostiās immolāvit. Vocabulary and Commentary

  2. Hann. 4.1: Cum hōc eōdem Clastidī apud Padum dēcernit sauciumque inde ac fugātum dīmittit. Vocabulary and Commentary

  3. Hann. 4.3: Hōc itinere adeō gravī morbō adficitur oculōrum, ut posteā numquam dextrō aequē bene ūsus sit. Quā valētūdine cum etiam tum premerētur lectīcāque ferrētur, C. Flāminium cōnsulem apud Trasumēnum cum exercitū īnsidiīs circumventum occīdit, neque multō post C. Centēnium praetōrem cum dēlēctā manū saltūs occupantem. Vocabulary and Commentary

  4. Hann. 5.1: Hāc pugnā pugnātā, Rōmam profectus nūllō resistente. Vocabulary and Commentary

  5. Hann. 5.2: Hic, clausus locōrum angustiīs, noctū sine ūllō dētrīmentō exercitūs sē expedīvit; Fabiōque, callidissimō imperātōrī, dedit verba. Namque, obductā nocte, sarmenta in cornibus iuvencōrum dēligāta incendit ēiusque generis multitūdinem magnam dispālātam immīsit. Quō repentīnō obiectō vīsū tantum terrōrem iniēcit exercituī Rōmānōrum, ut ēgredī extrā vāllum nēmō sit ausus. Vocabulary and Commentary